- Are customers calling, but nobody is there to take the call? We have 24/7 call center support, so your customers aren't left out in the cold.
- Legacy Tech that needs support? Two options: give us the keys and we'll keep it afloat or let us migrate that Old Tech to New Tech.
- New application feature being released, but you haven't fully tested its ability to handle the increased traffic? We have a full team of QA experts, ready to provide a full assessment.
We have the people you need at this crucial point of the year.
Discounted Pricing Thru September 2024
Don't let your lack of skilled talent prevent your business from succeeding.
We offer Project-Based and Long-Term contracts to get you through to the finish line.
IT Developers Starting @ $55/hr. NOW $38.50/hr!
Quality Assurance Testers Starting @ $45/hr. NOW $31.50/hr!
Business Process Specialists Starting @ $16.50/hr. NOW $11.55/hr!
*Pricing is good through September 2024, if contract is signed before September 30th, 2024*
Contact our Sales Team Today!